Simple, Safe, Effective Cleaning Solutions for your Home or Business.

The Exterior Cleaning Experts

About Southern Exterior Cleaning Solutions

Southern Pressure Washing & Exteriors LLC was initially established in 2019 with a primary focus on earning extra income for neighbors, friends, and family. Originally conceived as a means to provide cleaning services for driveways and generate additional cash, the venture quickly evolved, revealing a promising business side that captured the interest of Matthew Moser, the founder, and his then business partner.

During this period, both were balancing the demands of the business with their pursuit of education at the University of Alabama and Auburn University, operating primarily in the summer months. Recognizing the potential for a legitimate service business, Matthew faced a pivotal decision. In 2022, he made the bold choice to step away from University and fully commit to the opportunity.

Under Matthew’s leadership, the brand underwent a transformation, becoming Southern Exterior Cleaning Solutions. Drawing from years of experience in the service industry, Matthew believes this shift is the right move. The company’s singular goal is to provide a service that is Simple, Repeatable, and Trusted. Recognizing the expense and stress associated with home maintenance, Southern Exterior Cleaning Solutions aims to be a trustworthy solution for your needs.

Understanding the challenges of finding reliable services, we prioritize transparency, ensuring a process that you’ll enjoy. Our commitment is to make your home look its best without the hassle of spending hours searching for the right provider or waiting for estimates. Feel free to explore our other pages or contact us with any questions. We look forward to being the solution you can trust for all your exterior cleaning needs.


We do not have a warranty because elements are different for every property. Some roofs might be directly under a tree in Seattle. If so, your roof will get dirty a lot quicker than a roof in the middle of Texas. So, we will do everything in our power to make sure we remove everything from your property for it to be as clean as possible. 

You can expect roofs to stay clean from 3-5 years and  concrete anywhere from 1-3 years. We recommend keeping an eye on your property, and if you see things start to produce, give us a call, so we can give you a timeframe of when you should schedule. Or go ahead and get on our website for to schedule your annual cleaning and receive a 10% discount.


Top-Rated Exterior Cleaning Experts

Crestline Liberty Park Mountain Brook Shoal Creek Hoover
Vestavia Birmingham Chelsea Homewood Greystone
Leeds Irondale Bessemer McCalla Pelham
Alabaster Trussville Indian Springs
Crestline Liberty Park Mountain Brook
Shoal Creek Hoover Vestavia
Birmingham Chelsea Homewood
Greystone Leeds Irondale
Bessemer McCalla Pelham
Alabaster Trussville Indian Springs

Our Service Areas

Crestline Liberty Park
Mtn Brook Shoal Creek
Hoover Vestavia
Birmingham Chelsea
Homewood Greystone
Leeds Irondale
Bessemer McCalla
Pelham Alabaster
Trussville Indian Springs

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Highly-Rated Exterior Cleaning Service

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